Simplify microservice discovery, routing, & load balancing.
Enhance security & centralize control of your APIs and microservices.
Simplify & accelerate API lifecycle management in Kubernetes.
Open Source
How Traefik Labs is Pioneering the Kubernetes Gateway API Revolution
Survey of more than 1,000 professionals shows ubiquitous use of Kubernetes in production environments, while simultaneously exposing numerous management and scaling challenges
This Traefik Ambassador guest blog post covers how to deploy a AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service with Traefik v2 and the AWS CDK.
You can start experimenting with Kubernetes and Traefik in minutes and in your choice of environment, which can even be the laptop in front of you.
Learn how Elkjøp uses Traefik with Kubernetes to manage modern microservice architecture at the center of their customer facing transactions.
Traefik Enterprise 2.4 brings new features to ease multi-cluster platform management, integration with Traefik Pilot, and more.
Traefik 2.4 adds many nice enhancements such as ProxyProtocol Support on TCP Services, Advanced support for mTLS, Initial support for Kubernetes Service API, and more than 12 enhancements from our beloved community.
Case Study: Rocket.Chat Deploys Traefik to Manage Unified Communications at Scale. Learn how Rocket.Chat offers dependable services and fast response times to their large customer base using Traefik.
Monitoring Kubernetes ingress traffic is a critical part of an effective strategy for detecting and managing potential issues in real-time.
In this article, we’ll delve into the question of migrating legacy applications by discussing the specific challenges these workloads pose and outlining a strategy to overcome them.
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