Traefik — Commercial Support Is Coming!
Season 1, Episode 1

At Containous, we’re excited to share the news — Starting today, we’ll provide commercial support for Træfik.
We’re thrilled because beyond the mere satisfaction of helping you, it means that Træfik has reached yet another level of maturity. Not only is Træfik this easy-to-set-up full-fledged incredible reverse proxy; it is now a project we deem stable enough (roadmap-wise) to assure our future customers that we’ll be able to back them up when they most need it.
Making sure that every professional can rely on Træfik for their infrastructure is our top priority.
We’ve had lots of discussions about the possible plans we could provide to companies. The SLAs, the price, the ticket system… so many parameters that have stirred the fire of passion in our geek-crowded office.
We have finally settled on a plan that will fit the needs of most companies that already trust Træfik (or are about to), and that need this supplementary insurance — Yes, our team of experts will now be available to make sure every edge case of your specific set-up is handled correctly.
So, what does this standard plan consist of?
- We will support each major version of Træfik (we use semantic versioning) for a whole year after the next one is released. For example, once 2.0 is released, we will continue to support 1.n for one year (n being the latest minor version in that branch).
- During a major release cycle, in addition to supporting the current version, we will support the previous one. For example, once 1.8 is released, we will continue to support 1.7 (but will stop supporting 1.6) until 1.9 or 2.0 is released.
- We will start working on any question you have within 2 hours of you contacting us (business hours, CET).
Now we see your question coming, “What happens to the community support?”
Our answer cannot be simpler — nothing changes.
Open source drives Træfik, and we will keep doing our best to make Træfik one of the most successful open-source projects ever.
Have we talked about the price yet?
Træfik‘s success is propelled by its simplicity. Simplicity means that it reaches a broad audience, from the most straightforward infrastructure to intricate clusters with multiple layers of orchestration.
Our goal with the standard plan is to be able to provide support at an affordable price so that everyone can benefit from it.
For this reason, we concurred on a price that will allow a wide range of companies to subscribe to the standard support plan (without sacrificing other investments in their program).
Starting at €1,000 per instance of Træfik, you’ll benefit from our services for a whole year.
The standard plan can go as far as five supported instances of Træfik running on your infrastructure.
Need more support?
If your business requires a customized support plan, you can contact us to discuss further how we can help.
Oh … by the way … you’ll find the form to request support on our new website!

Happy Træfik!
Containous is the company that helps Træfik be the successful open-source project it is.
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